Green package : by your side for sustainable real estate

Supporting sustainable real estate

Responsible for 36% of greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of energy consumed in Europe, the building sector has a major role in the fight climate change.

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Compliance with the French Tertiary Decree_Esset Property Management

Your ally for sustainable real estate

Our teams advise and support you in applying your environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments, whether it be for a single asset or a whole portfolio.

Priority issues are:

  • environmental performance of buildings,
  • well-being and comfort for occupants,
  • governance and sustainable management.

ESG criteria for the French SRI label

We help you establish and apply your socially responsible investment (SRI) roadmap to target the SRI label.

label isr esset pm group france
Our commitment to sustainable real estate_Esset Property Management


  • Energy
  • GHG emissions
  • Water management
  • Waste management
  • Biodiversity
Esset Property Management commits to professional equality


  • Mobility
  • Services for occupants
  • Health and comfort for occupants
  • Local development
Governance_Esset Property Management


  • Stakeholder relations
  • Resilience
  • Supply chain management
Environmental performance

Environmental performance of buildings

Sustainable operational management contributes to a building’s environmental performance. Our multidisciplinary teams provide a panel of complementary services to optimise the extra-financial performance of your assets.

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Esset helps you develop and apply an energy performance plan to meet the obligations of the French Tertiary Decree:

  • Collect your energy consumption,
  • Define your energy performance plan,
  • Monitor your data and report on the OPERAT platform.
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Your renovation projects are part of your socially responsible investment (SRI) approach. Our teams are by your side to help you meet your objectives:

  • dedicated delegated project management,
  • identify your energy sources and optimise your energy saving certificates,
  • environmental renovation certification,
  • management and recovery of building materials,
  • commissioning.
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With a network of recognised partners, we manage environmental certifications, such as HQE Exploitation and BREEAM In-Use, proposing the highest standards in sustainable management:

  • consultation and contracting for Project Owner Assistance certification,
  • application, monitoring and renewing certification,
  • establishing an action plan to reflect objectives set,
  • engaging contributors to mobilise the process,
  • communicating on-site and promoting certification.
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As your tenants’ main point of contact, we communicate about your CSR approach on site:

  • coordinating green committees (environmental appendix),
  • communicating about CSR commitments: French Tertiary Decree, SRI label, environmental certification, etc.,
  • organising the CUBE competition,
  • running awareness-raising workshops, charity events, educational and fun events, etc.
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Our technical management teams ensure sustainable and optimised management of your assets and monitor the progress

of your environmental performance indicators:

  • monitoring and achieving environmental KPIs,
  • deploying platforms for monitoring consumption,
  • coordinating technical management and audits,
  • setting up and monitoring energy performance contracts,
  • bespoke consumption reporting.
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We offer a range of circular economy initiatives tailored to your type of asset:

  • organising five-stream sorting,
  • installing special collection points, reading boxes, and other collective measures for re-use,
  • raising awareness among building occupants,
  • training service providers such as cleaners and caretakers,
  • setting up compost facilities,
  • management and recovery of building materials,
  • commissioning.
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We can help you optimise how your assets blend into their environment with a positive impact on biodiversity:

  • carrying out biodiversity audits and implementing action plans,
  • sustainably managing green spaces: eco-friendly mowing, flower meadows, mulching, eco-labelled products, etc.,
  • optimising water consumption by opting for native plants adapted to the climate,
  • installing suitable accessories: insect hotels, nesting boxes, etc.
Well-being and comfort

Well-being and comfort for occupants

A human-centred business where people are the priority.

We have developed complementary services to provide real estate projects and new uses to benefit your occupants.

Enhancing occupants well-being_Esset Property Management

Occupant services

Working with a network of service providers and partners, we offer tailored services and solutions to enhance the on-site experience of your tenants and their employees:

  • fitting out your communal areas, intercompany catering facility management, shared areas, etc.,
  • reception, hospitality management and concierge services,
  • creating collective information tools,
  • installing digital service applications: room reservations, concierge services, service requests, etc.,
  • surveying and monitoring occupant satisfaction.
Esset_ Property Mangament service

Comfort and health

Our technical teams manage your buildings and their amenities to ensure your occupants’ health and comfort. We assist you with controls and measurement instruments tailored to your needs:

  • visual, acoustic, olfactory and hygrothermal comfort,
  • air and water quality, and electromagnetic waves,
  • ICPE (Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment) management.
Green package_Esset Property Management

Soft mobility

The infrastructures offered in your buildings supports soft mobility to meet your clients’ latest requirements.

Working with recognised partners, we offer a strategy for installing charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycle storage areas in your residential and commercial buildings.

Label et certification pour le bien-être

Well-being labels and certification

Labels and certifications, such as WELL, Fitwell and OSMOZ, for the well-being of building occupants demonstrate your commitment to the issue.

Our teams work with reputable partners (Project Owner Assistance), manage your labels and certifications, and coordinate actions for the building and its operations.

BIM operations_Esset Property Management

Connectivity and smart buildings

Your buildings’ digital capacities enhance user experience and enable rational management of your facilities.

Our teams advise and support you for digital facilities and systems:

  • designing and deploying your BIM solution,
  • ensuring compliance with the BACS decree and installing automation and control systems (BMS, CBM, CMMS, etc.),
  • setting up data management and optimisation tools,
  • deploying smart equipment,
  • organising WiredScore or SmartScore certification.
Governance and sustainable management

Governance and sustainable management

Sustainable development issues are embedded in our governance and business processes. We go beyond simply providing services. We are your ally for the deployment of your CSR or SRI strategy.

Responsible sourcing

We share your concerns about supply chains. Our commitments reflect your engagements with responsible purchasing and an action plan:

  • the EcoVadis Gold Medal,
  • supplier management tool (E-certificates),
  • a team of trained buyers,
  • CSR commitment charter for service providers,
  • CSR assessment of service providers,
  • CSR education for service providers.
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Looking for new talent_Esset Property Management

Sustainable management audit

When we sign on a new asset, we conduct a sustainable management audit to identify an ESG action plan to reflect your CSR or SRI approach:

  • sustainable management audit covering seven ESG criteria,
  • actions to improve ESG performance.

Resilience and crisis management

Our experts anticipate exceptional situations and support you to ensure the continuity of your buildings’ operations and your occupants’ activities:

  • mapping climatic, health and safety risks, and implementing emergency procedures,
  • crisis management, natural, technical, technological, health and social risks,
  • creating an operational crisis management guide and procedures adapted to each building,
  • business continuity plan,
  • managers trained in crisis management and media training.
Changes in the property manager’s role: from institutional to large-scale users
Recognition for our CSR performance

ESG reporting

Our teams ensure your KPIs are reliably and comprehensively monitored for ESG reporting:

  • monitoring ESG actions and interventions,
  • producing reports in a range of formats or directly on your dedicated platform.
Our CSR strategy

Our CSR strategy

As a leader in property management, we are committed to a CSR approach based on major sustainable development issues for our business sector.

Our strategic plan entitled Bien+Durable (Well+Sustainable), launched in 2018 for Emeria and their subsidiaries, includes four key CSR priorities.

Support for environmental performance_Esset Property Management

Sustainable real estate with environmental performance

  • Promoting the energy performance of buildings
  • Developing sustainable building management
  • Contributing to a carbon-neutral world
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Enhancing occupants’ well-being_Esset Property Management

Improving our teams’ well-being

  • Ensuring quality of life at work
  • Supporting teams in their development
  • Committing to diversity and non-discrimination
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Looking for new talent_Esset Property Management

Improving occupants’ well-being

  • Ensuring occupants’ comfort, health and safety
  • Innovating lifestyles and working methods
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A trusted partner for our stakeholders and local communities_Esset Property Management

Acting as a trusted partner for local communities

  • Contributing to economic development by participating in local activities
  • Exchanging with our stakeholders
  • Developing transparent and pertinent communication
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