Our commitments

We are constantly improving our range of sustainable real estate services and in-house practices to forge ahead with corporate social responsibility commitment.

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Our commitment to sustainable real estate_Esset Property Management
Our strategy 01

Our CSR strategy

As a leader in property management, we are committed to a CSR approach based on major sustainable development issues for our business sector.

Launched in 2018 for Emeria and their subsidiaries, the Bien+Durable (Well+Sustainable) strategic plan maps out Esset Property Management’s four key CSR priorities:.

Support for environmental performance_Esset Property Management

Supporting the environmental performance of buildings

Responsible for 36% of greenhouse gas emissions due to energy in Europe, the building sector has a major role in the fight against climate change. Esset Property Management is committed to helping to improve the environmental performance of the properties we manage by promoting energy renovation, developing more sustainable building management, and raising awareness among our clients and helping them optimise resources. Our objective is to combine a positive impact on the environment while reducing costs and increasing asset value.

Responsible for 36% of greenhouse gas emissions due to energy in Europe, the building sector has a major role in the fight against climate change. Esset Property Management is committed to helping to improve the environmental performance of the properties we manage by promoting energy renovation, developing more sustainable building management, and raising awareness among our clients and helping them optimise resources. Our objective is to combine a positive impact on the environment while reducing costs and increasing asset value.

The environmental performance of a building is driven by three factors: the building’s own performance, optimal facility management and maintenance, and the occupants’ conduct. Our commitment is based on these three pillars.

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Enhancing occupants’ well-being

A human-centred business where people are the priority. Esset Property Management is conscious of the rapid structural changes underway in the way people work and live. We strive to make an active contribution to improving the well-being of the occupants of our managed properties. The first priority is ensuring a healthy working and living environment, accompanied by societal changes at work such as digital tools and new methods and the development of innovative, pertinent solutions.

Looking for new talent_Esset Property Management

Improving our teams’ well-being

The well-being of our teams is the focus of our social and human rights policy.

This includes providing a quality working environment, as well as training and concrete actions to ensure a fair workplace by refusing any discrimination. Our objective is to offer fulfilling career paths to a wide diversity of candidates and employees.

Working at Esset Property Management, regardless of where and in which position, is a rich and rewarding experience with purpose and personal development in the field of real estate services where human relations are paramount.

A trusted partner for our stakeholders and local communities_Esset Property Management

A trusted partner for our stakeholders and local communities

As a leader in the real estate services sector, we aim to be a model for ethics and a trusted partner for all our stakeholders.  In addition to complying with current regulations, we respect human rights, compliance, business ethics, and our CSR duty of care.

The very nature of our business means we contribute to the economic development of the communities where we operate. That’s why we strive to act as an ally, supporting our clients and other stakeholders locally and nationally. And that starts by developing and strengthening roots locally, via recruitment, CSR choices, and supplier support.

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EcoVadis 2024 _ Esset Property Management

A recognised quality CSR approach

Esset Property Management is ranked in the top 5% of companies in the real estate sector assessed by EcoVadis for the quality of their CSR approach.

Our commitments

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Committed to tackling climate change, Esset Property Management has set the target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. Our CSR action plan focuses on concrete measures to drastically reduce our carbon footprint. We measure our greenhouse gas emissions annually and adapt our efforts to reach our target.

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We provide an excellent working environment, training, and concrete actions to ensure a fair workplace by refusing any discrimination.

The well-being of our teams is a priority. Training, encouraging mobility, ensuring a work-life balance with interesting and rewarding jobs are fundamental to our CSR commitments.



A human-centred sector Our HR policy and equality agreement demonstrate our commitment to equality at every level of our company. Esset Property Management’s 2023 equality index was 99%, reflecting the concrete actions generated by our policies and agreements.

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As well as a virtuous approach in our own branches, we support our clients’ in the environmental transition of their real estate assets. This commitment is reflected in our package of green support services designed to promote sustainable real estate development.

Discover our green package

Our green package 02
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Your ally for sustainable real estate

Esset Property Management is committed to helping to improve the environmental performance of the properties we manage by promoting energy renovation, developing more sustainable building management, and raising awareness among our clients and helping them optimise resources.

Our teams advise and support you for applying your environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments, whether it be for a single asset or a whole portfolio.

Discover our green package
Green package_Esset Property Management

« At the heart of our business »

« Sustainable development issues are at the heart of our business and drive our purpose. Our business is evolving and our teams contribute operationally to our clients’ CSR commitments to develop a more sustainable real estate sector. »

Avi Elbaz directeur immobilier durable et communication esset group
Director of Sustainable Real Estate and Communications
Contact us_Esset Property Management

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